We wear the mask

When I went through my whole 'self discovery' phase which really just consisted of people telling me that I had walls up and me trying to prove otherwise I found a poem which I think really changed my view on people.
I'm going to attach that shizz and then explain further

WE wear the mask that grins and lies,
    It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,—
    This debt we pay to human guile;   (just for peoples' future reference, guile means deceit)
    With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
    And mouth with myriad subtleties.

    Why should the world be over-wise,
    In counting all our tears and sighs?
    Nay, let them only see us, while
            We wear the mask.

    We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
    To thee from tortured souls arise.
    We sing, but oh the clay is vile
    Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
    But let the world dream otherwise,
            We wear the mask!

Okay woah; where to even start. From the beginning of when I started associating with people who were nice and wanted to help me as opposed to when I was friends with people who were exactly like me, I had this opinion that only the broken people tried to hide their inside through masks and walls because everyone told me that this is what I was doing. I thought that only those who'd experienced what would be considered 'awful life experiences' were the ones who hid behind these barriers. How ignorant I was.

2pac has this song. Well; he has many songs but one of his songs says something along the lines of 'No one knows my struggle, they only see the trouble' and before I knew that it was 2pac where the saying derived from and the correct terms of it, someone else had updated a status saying 'You only see my trouble, never my struggle' - I took it upon myself to adopt this as a life statement and use it as an excuse to hide behind, sort of like my wall/mask. Still to this day, I use what people would consider my 'hard childhood' as an excuse for the way I am. And really, it probably is something that has effected me but I let it define me.
As I grew older and wiser, I learnt that I was not the only person undergoing this behaviour, infact; the majority of society were. Perhaps not as blatantly obvious as myself but people still used other events to give insight to others as to why they were the way they were.

Because it can create lots of trouble within my family if I publicise the issue, I am going to refrain from going into too much detail. However; more recently with some stuff going on with my brother, I have taken a back seat in regards to 'the problem child' label which, I myself had become very comfortable with. As a result of this, my mask/wall has crumbled down and I am now no longer able to use my issues as an excuse for my behaviour because there are 'much more serious things going on now.' Subsequently, I am now vulnerable and lost because I have nothing to hide behind and now I have to be accountable for my own mistakes and actions.

In a totally alternative direction. I genuinely believe that all humans on this earth are comfortably living behind their wall. Some may reside behind the great wall of china, others just the picket fence that borders our land. Nether-the-less we are all sleeping, eating, partying, talking, working and sitting behind these barricades. I'm sorry. bear with me momentarily whilst I go on a tangent because I have the attention span of a 3 year old. After writing behind these, I felt it necessaries to inform you that I really had to resist the urge to write behind these hazel eyes. And then, when I got to barricades, it took everything inside of me to not write 'barricades and brick walls won't keep me from you.'  Okay, now that's done; let's continue! Just like the Berlin wall, my belief is that it is possible to break down the barricade. This is why we get hurt the most when the people we love deceive us; because we let them through our façade.

The only thing that creeps me out about this poem is the presence of 'O Christ.'
 It'd sound better if it said 'We smile, but oh fuck, our cries'