I don't even know what to write right now! I'm genuinely at a loss for words.
I get it guys 'your ATAR isn't the end of the world' but I genuinely feel like I'm going through the stages of grief right now. Like I've lost my ten year plan!
Stage one - denial. This involved avoiding the fact that I got a shit result for two hours
Stage two - concern. This consisted on not being able to stop thinking about ho w this is going to affect my life
Step three - severe depression. I'm about twenty minutes away from this
I haven't slept, haven't eaten and feel sicker than I ever have. My head feels like there's a helicopter inside it and I haven't been able to stop crying for longer than twenty minutes. I've been chain smoking my lungs away and can't even tell my dad my score because I never ever want to see his face display disappointment. I texted him when I found out and was curled up in a ball sulking saying 'you're going to hate me. I hate myself'
My english result was nowhere near what I expected and there was not one 'A' for any subject. I understand it- 'you only get what you work for' but I thought I worked harder than this. It's like, I tried so hard to turn my life around and stay in school. And then I get this. It's not even enough to get into the pathway course of just nursing. Anywhere. Unless I want to move to Sheparton where I will die before I hit second year.
I don't even know. I guess it's time to hit the vodka and never stop.
I can't even stop this, I didn't think it was possible to get so low.
I never expected this. Not once did it cross my mind that I would get below 70.
I don't even know what to do.
I guess I seem like I'm over reacting but I'm legitimately in the most overwhelmed state right now. And not in a good way.
Sorry, you probably don't want to hear all this. You probably don't care.
Hopefully I can become anorexic because Obvs don't have the brains so now I need the beauty.
W@T I$ L¥F?