All you have to do is search 'Rest In Peace' on YouTube to see the hundreds, if not thousands of tribute videos to young people who have passed away.
Whether it be a 14 girl who just killed herself because she was being bullied her whole life, or a 17 year old boy murdered for being black. A ten year old boy who died of leukaemia or a 16 year old girl stabbed on a bus.
I've seen the aftermath of death, who hasn't? I've watched as a whole school completely collapses as one of the students dies. I've watched year 8's have to learn how to go on without their bestfriend. 14 year olds. I've seen countless Facebook status', instagram photos and YouTube videos posted to try and keep this girls memory alive. But the question is, does it really have it's desired effect? or more so, is the desired effect even the moral one?
I've come to notice one certainty in death. You seem the make a hell of a lot of new friends once you're dead. Everyone and their dog claims to have been your best friend and some people find any excuse and claim to have had some form of connection to you. Honestly; I know I did when T.K died. I didn't purposely go out of my way to gain attention from people who would give it, nor did I intentionally exaggerate my relationship with her for any purpose. But I mean, I coached her for a year, I was as close as a year 7 can be to a year 10 which isn't close at all.
I hope, I really do hope, that when people post shit on Facebook and social networks of the like, that they are really doing it out of respect and there is no hidden motive to do it for the attention or for the 'likes' - but sometimes, I just know that it's gone way past the stage of respect.
There comes a time when you have to move on. Posting a status everyday doesn't help anybody, but when the sister of the victim does it, it's causing nothing but harm. I know this sounds rude, but I'm getting a little sick of seeing, what looks like, a dead person's own sister 'milk' her death for the attention. I may be wrong, but I just honestly don't see the point in posting shit about dead people. yes, I'm guilty of this but I've grown up and realised it's pointless.
Cool. watching videos on YouTube of pictures of dead people is really respectful. And listening to depressing music is really fucking healing. Reading status' about how much someone misses someone dead is really productive and seeing pictures posted of this young girl who has passed on Instagram is really fucking inspiring.
I don't know why people, especially people really close to the dead person, see necessity or purpose in publicising their loss. I don't actually see what their is to achieve by writing 'R.I.P sissy! Missing you everyday, life is harder than ever without you baby girl' as their status because it's not like this person can click the 'like' button.
All I know is that when I die, if people I hated and people who hated me even dare to think it's acceptable to come to my funeral, update a status, post a photo of us two that they probably photo shopped, I will haunt the fuck out of them because that shit ain't okay!
like, shit nigger! People really need to work their shit out.