So I've been a way for a fair while and I thought there'd be no better time to update my blog as I sit in the back of a -2 degree lecture theatre listening to a man with a lisp try to tell me about the Autonomic Nervous System. Safe to say that it's not even going through the first ear to be able to go straight out the other.
So here's an update on where I've been and why I haven't been on here in almost two months.
I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND. Her name is Ashlea and she is great.
I AM 1/6 A NURSE. I finished my first semester and it is shit.
MY HOUSEMATE IS DOING OKAY. He's still a dickhead at times but I'm dealing.
I'M PREGNANT. no, no I'm not
I'M GOING TO SYDNEY TOMORROW! My sisters 30th birthday lunch and then clubbing with the girl. Good fun.
SO I guess I haven't got a whole philosophical message to share and my apologies are distributed equally between anyone who cares.
Next time I'm back on here, which will most definitely not be in another 2 months, I will be writing a post about how little control we have. So tune in and get essited. Sweet, hope you're doing okay without my blessed and holy words. The bible is applicable in the meantime.