Work Experience.

Generally, uncertainty scares me. Since year 7, I've always known what I've wanted to do with my life.
I wanted to be a nurse, have 3 kids and be married by 32 and I want a big house. However; after work experience, I can't say I know what I want to do.

My first week was in a hospital in the midwifery ward and my second week was at Coles. I came out of work experience with only one certainty and that was that I never want to work at a supermarket full time. I did however, come out considering that maybe I could be a midwife one day.

It's quite contradicting to my personality that I want to take up a career that involves helping people but after a few stints in hospital, I definitely knew that nursing was the option for me.

 I don't know where life is going to take me and as VCE comes scarily closer, I have to start making decisions as to what path I'm going to venture down.

I do know that I'm no longer scared to an extent of where the world is going to take me and I just have to say that work experience was one of the most valuable things to ever happen. That's mah storeh