You see black, I see grey,

I’m sure I’m not the only person who sucks all the salt of the outside of the pistachio shell prior to opening it up and eating it, nor would I be the only one who runs sour coated lollies like warheads under water to lessen the strength before I eat them. I’m practically getting something that is made the same and is so standard and changing it to be the way I like it. Sort of like DJ’s remix songs that are okay to become songs that are incredible. So as I looked over at the unopened packet of salted pistachios on my desk which really should be plagued with school books and study notes, it got me thinking whether we do the same with people. Just like we alter or enhance the foods we eat or music we listen to, do we do the same with those we know?

You hear numerous stories about how relationships never work because one person went in thinking they could change the other but it was to no avail. It always makes me jump to the conclusion that they do it wrong. Instead of completely trying to alter who they are, all that is simply needed is a little adjustment. An enhancement on the things they like about the person and a dull down of the things they don’t. 

Yet, just like I enjoy extracting every last speckle of salt and rinsing off the majority of the sour coating, some may wash the salt off and suck on the warhead without any preparation. This brings me to the point that people find joy or whatever it is in different things of the same theme. In regards to people, I generally like people who don’t argue my point because I’m stubborn and its tiring to argue, I like people who are sporty, have a mutual agreement that doing nothing is no fun and people who have lots of money. However, you may like someone who is always there to tell you when you may have gotten something wrong (why would you want that though), someone who enjoys lounging around as do you and someone who has more spiritual wealth as opposed to monetary wealth.  And to me, that sounds absurd, just like eating a yellow warhead but to you, it’s perfection.

On Facebook, I enjoy scrolling down my newsfeed and repeating the words ‘fuck you’ and ‘shut the fuck up’ in my mind over and over again, yet most people enjoy being able to stay connected with people they haven’t seen in years. The thing is though, that there are so many sides to a single things. If I look at a painting, I might see pain and sadness the artist was trying to express but the person travelling the world with me and standing beside me in the Louvre may see a colourful, energetically expressed masterpiece. It’s all perception and not only is it perception, but it is tunnel vision. We see what we want to see. I enjoy my salt on the nuts (get your mind out of the gutter) and I enjoy a slight sour taste. So be it, babes. 

Comfort Zones

My bedroom is a shed located in my backyard about ten meters from the house. Ever night, I travel between my house and room at least 3 times and when I'm out in the open between both rooms, I feel a sense of fear, as though someone is hiding in my backyard ready to come attack me. But once I get inside my room, that feeling instantly disappears and I feel like no one can get me even though my door is never locked and my backyard is easy to get into from the street.
I believe we can feel this way when we're alone to. For example; it's lunch time at school and you just left your classroom. You have no idea where your friends are so you walk through the school yard pretending to be knowing where to go but really you're just examining every area in sight to see your mates. You feel as though everyone is staring at you so you pull out your mobile phone and pretend to text or cruise through Facebook. you feel uncomfortable; but then you find your friends and instantly that feeling of 'everyone is staring at me' just disappears.
I am regularly wondering why we feel this way. Could it be because we feel like we are shadowed in our friends presence and secure in our own rooms. Or is it really because that's just where we're most comfortable and used to so it's just natural.
Blogs suck after a while. Rawr. this sucks.