I am Jesus

I don't know what I'm doing here and I don't know how muffled I sound when I'm talking to you whilst facing the other direction. In this world full of variety and seemingly endless opportunities, it seems rather daunting that one of the dozens of religions is the right one.

Like many people, I spent some years with a foot on each side of the line. One foot for Jesus, where I could believe and receive. The other foot for atheism. Where I considered it a place to party, sleep around and not care about anyone.
Until one day, I decided to take a step back from the starting line and quit the race.
Religion is that type of thing where, unless you're apart of it, it seems like the stupidest thing on the planet. How could people believe such a thing? How are people, in a world where our entire aim is to find answers, settle with an open ended solution? I feel like alot of my blog actually discusses things that have no answers or things that I just don't have an answer too, so you may not be surprised when I tell you I have no answer for this. Maybe I could suggest that I'm Jesus and that there is no other being because I'm beautiful and perfect. But, I'm too modest.

Religion is nothing to me. I'm not atheist, I'm not christian, I'm not Muslim. I'm a new religion called 'I don't even give a fuck' - recruitment process is tough. You don't need to promise to blow up your country or attend a ceremony once a week to eat somebodies replicated blood and skin but you do need to honestly not care.

I guess the fact of the matter is that errybod gon' do their own thing and ain't nobody gon' change dat.
If y'all need Jesus then y'all have Jesus