Facebook; more like Usebook

Facebook is a mysterious and wonderful phenomenon. At least it was before I started year eleven/VCE and it became my number one stop in regards to procrastinating. At least once a week, I open my friends list with the intentions to delete the people who I couldn't really give a shit about. The 'friends' who post a ridiculous amount of 'selfies' with the comment 'I'm saaaa ugly' or the people who plague my newsfeed with over emotional and overly bearing status' consisting of 'YY duz lyf haff to b so shit. I just wnt 2 b happy but NO! u hve 2 cum screw it up. I dont fink I can live N E more. I juss wnt 2 dye' - Yet every time I open that list, I click straight back out of it.

I try to justify it with the fact that I like stalking peoples' profile and I find the depressing status' and compliment fishing pictures entertaining but the truth is, our Facebook friends all have potential opportunities. In ten years time, when I may be running for parliament or trying to organise a school reunion, I can utilise everyone of my 698 'friends.' With every deletion of a profile, I lose an opportunity.
-That person I went to primary school with and haven't seen in 7 years, she could be the wife of the minister for immigration
- That person who posts over emotional status' could be a financial consultant who might just be able to tell me one day how I can get the most out of my money
- The one guy who keeps sending me a painful amount of game requests to play mob wars could be my future husband
the list goes on,

It's funny to think that I practically skipped the Myspace stage by joining Facebook early on. I joined for quite a funny reason actually. It was to have a 'pet dragon' on one of the stupid games that Facebook has. And as people started joining, my game playing decreased and my networking increased. Now, it has probably become the most valuable tool in my life. I don't have everyone of facebooks number but I do have their profile. I do have the ability to inbox them. When I had math problems, I'd ask the typical nerd friend. When I had english problems, I'd ask the girl who has the popular blog. When I had VCE management issues, I'd ask the girl who passed with an ENTER score of 97.4. The possibilities are never ending.

Whilst the majority of my friends, I do actually know as a result of moving around so much, there are those who I really should delete. Some I keep for entertainment because it's just so hilarious seeing people attempt to achieve something and fail or go around trying to fish for compliments. But I do know that one day, I will probably need that person who I haven't contacted in years to help me do something and I know this sounds like I'm just using society but that's how life works.