House-mate; Hell-mate

I finally got a house-mate and all I feel is regret. I always made jokes about not being able to walk around the house naked any more. And having to pretend I have social skills the get along with them. I stupidly accepted the application generally the most difficult type of people to deal with - A gay (I'm not homophobic, just a stereotyper). So I know it's too soon to really have an opinion since we've only spent two night together; but I am literally in pain. Not only has my ability to be naked in my house been inhibited but also just my ability of freedom. Before he moved in, the whole house was mine, but now, all I have is my bedroom. 

Learning to live with people is difficult. There are so many pressures that I'm faced with. I don't know many people in this town, so I'm always home. I think he doesn't really like that, so I feel pressured to get out. He is like, super skinny; So I feel like I should at least pretend I'm healthy and buy healthy food. It's just really hard. He always talks about himself and his life. I don't know how long I'm going to last for. 

On the other end of the spectrum; He's clean! THANK GOD. I'm a messy person when it's my own stuff. So my bedroom and well; the house before he moved in. But when I'm sharing something, like now, the house, I am considerate enough to be clean and hope they're the same.

I honestly did not think that I'd get so annoyed of a person living with me this quickly. He just sits in his room and I'm sure he's as depressed as I am. I don't find comfort in being alone, EVER. However; I don't find comfort being with him. 

Moving out of home to Albury was one of the hardest things I've ever done. The scariest too. Making the decision; I couldn't wait to get out. Now, all I want is my room back, my parents fridge and my friends. e
Since moving, I've really had to learn the value of tolerance. I hate ALOT of people and I was usually not afraid to make sure they were aware of it. Now; I don't really have the option of hating anyone. Simply because I cannot afford to get on the bad side of anyone. I barely have any friends and I'm in serious struggle town. Contrary to popular belief; it's getting harder over time, not easier. I don't know how long I'm going to last with my house mate. I don't know how long I'm going to last with my course and I don't know how long I'm going to last with my life. It's tough. Tolerance is important. Strength is necessary. 

Nigger, be tough.