Wrinkles and Retirement

In an attempt to distract me from the past, I tend to focus on the future alot. That often, that I frequently miss out on alot of spontaneity and living in the moment. People always tell me I plan to much; which is true. But ironically, I'm also very un-organised.

In my plans, my future consists of wealth, happiness and growing to an old age. However, that got me thinking that when everyone thinks of their future, they always just assume they're going to grow old and prosperous.

Australias female life expectancy is that of around 84 and with all variations kept in consideration like the how the indigenous life expectancy is around 15 years less and the rate of fatal incidents.

But what if we don't grow old. What if we're one of those people that don't actually reach the age of wrinkles and retirement. We may die of cancer, a car accident or just a freak incident. But we usually don't even consider that this could possibly occur in our lives.

I questioned someone on their thoughts on this possibility and they just said 'We never consider that happening because we fear it' - Maybe like we fear looking back on the painful things in our life, we fear looking forward at the potential hurt.

I'd like to have all the answers in this world but realistically, I don't  And now all I can do is consider the options rather than be ignorant.